Download and install the Periodic Table anki deck. You can find it in chem student view / Anki / IB Chemistry / vocab / by topic.
So far you have used a spaced repetition system to memorize static information. How would this work for skills (like the uncertainty calculations) where you need to be able to apply it flexibly?
Learning the First 20 Elements
Scroll until you cannot see the video. List the Group 1 elements, separating each with a space (e.g., 'A B C').
Invent something personally meaningful to help you memorize the first two rows.
We all stand on shoulders of giants.
If you have something that would help you with groups, that would be extra helpful.
...but do not just use them. The best mnemonics are personal, filthy, and disgusting.
There is a class of powerful, generalized technique called Memory Palaces (which is what the memory champions use to memorize π to 10000 decimals). We will try to construct one when all of you have been on campus.
Replacing Drawings with Symbols (Atoms / Atomic Ions)
Textbook exercise questions from pages 58-66 (Ex 1--6)
Do them on paper. Show working!
Mark your answers against the key. Mark them with red (error) and green (correct) pens. If you didn't understand something / got something wrong, write a little note explaining what happened. Sum the score to keep yourself honest.
For Anki decks, click on Stats from the main screen, and scroll to your reviews graph.
Complete these by 22 Sep (Tue) 21:00, and submit onto ManageBac. If you have done the reading over the week, as well as studying the Anki decks daily, this should take no more than 45 minutes.