# Paperwork

# Tests and Quizzes

# Y1

gantt axisformat %b-%d title Assessments dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD section Tests Test 1: done, 2018-12-05, 2d Test 2: done, 2019-02-27, 2d Test 3: done, 2019-04-09, 1d Y1 exam: 2019-05-14, 1d section Quizzes section Reports

# Y1 Exam

# Info
  • When? 3 May (Fri) afternoon session
  • How?
    • 1 hour of Paper 1. This consists of 40 multiple choice questions. Answer on the bubble sheet. No calculators or Data Booklets are permitted, but a Periodic Table is supplied at the end of the questions. You can tear off this periodic table for reference.
    • 1 hour of Paper 2. This consists of 40 points of short answers. Data Booklets are provided, and calculators are permitted.
  • What? See "topics" section below for a listing of what content is included. Use the Filter and Sort functions to identify what is in HL/core syllabus. Questions from previous tests reappears in both papers. Please do not make the same mistakes again.
  • How do I do well?
    • If you have been doing 3.5 hr / wk of practice every week, and Anki decks for maintenance, then in this week just do some of the past Y1 exams (printed for you). Review your past mistakes in previous tests.
    • If you have had some weeks on, some weeks off, and irregular Anki decks, then in this order (as time allows):
      1. Practice with end-of-textbook questions,
      2. Review your previous tests,
      3. Practice with past papers by topics,
      4. Practice with past tests (printed)
# Topics

# Grade calculations

Term grades calculations are tabulated as follows:

Test Quizzes Labs
Term 1 80% 20% -
Term 2 60% 20% 20%
Term 3 80% 20% -

Composed grades are formed from term grades and exams:

Term 1 Term 2 Y1 exam Term 3 Trials IA
Year 1 20% 60% 20% - - -
PG (Nov) 15% 25% 30% 30% - -
PG (Nov)* 0% 30% 30% 40% - -
Term 4 - - - - 80% 20%

Predicted grades admit the following exceptions:

  1. language / background disadvantage. Students who had significant language/academic background deficiency will have their Term 1 grade omitted.[1]
  2. IA. IAs that are likely to be significantly better / worse than current performance gets a modifier. This is usually < Âą5%.
Grade graph

Once a term I email each of you a graph with all assessments plotted as a time-series. This is to help you help me make sure my numbers are legit, and for you to get a sense of your progression.

# Grade boundaries

Our internal grade boundaries are based on the IB chemistry grade boundaries. The distribution is as follows:

% Grade
80+ 7
70-79 6
60-69 5
49-59 4
35-48 3
19-34 2

# Effort Grades

Each term you are also given an Effort Grade. For me, Effort Grade defaults to a D. This is then modified up by evidence of practice / maintenance. As a general rule of thumb,

EG Practice (hr/wk) Maintenance (min)
A 3.5 10; 5 d/wk
B 2 10; 2 d/wk
C 1 10; 1 d/wk
D cram before quizzes / tests n/a

I periodically sample the Big Chart for evidence. If you practice in other ways you need to show me evidence for them. I do not take intentions as substitute for actions.

The science department has a set of descriptors posted on the wall. These include attendance and attitude. For me some are expectataions, and others are quite subjective. These factor in the consideration in a minor way.

  1. In practice I just calculate both variants for each student, and take the better one. Too-clever kids believe they can game the system and waltz throughout Term 1. Their poor preparations will dig them into a hole. ↩ī¸Ž

Last Updated: 2 years ago