Beginning of the year First class Show how class works Diverse students Fun Set tone Other classes would have had "the chat" too - the fourth hour of the chat
Each student receives a personalized Google folder before class
Q1 - After class, you forgot what you learnt. This makes you:
- Human (Y)
- A failure
- Stupid
- A bad student
Everyone forgets - but you need to take action to prevent that from happening.
Q2 - In class it is OK to:
- Stand up (Y)
- Move around (Y)
- Email / FB / insta / whatsapp / Snapchat / QQ / Line / weChat / ...
- poke your classmate
Principle: not disrupting others. Second hand smoke effect of electronics. (Also, more than one right answer!)
Q3 - This gesture means:
- OK (Y)
- Draw a circle
- OK? (Y)
- You are getting a 3
Not everyone have seen the same gesture!
It's OK to get a 3; you are not other people and their expectation is not your expectation.
Q4 - this gesture means:
- Something's wrong (Y)
- Let's go swimming
- It's cold
Q5 - this gesture means:
- Take another step / expand on it (Y)
- You're crazy
- Start from the beginning
- Think
Q6 - Your fav class is:
- Chemistry (Y)
- Visual Arts (Y)
- French Ab Initio (Y)
- Maths studies (Y)
"Just because I'm a chemist doesn't mean you need to be a chemist. Chemistry is useful for whatever you end up doing, but it doesn't need to be your fav." And then - you don't need to like it to be good at it. When you get good at it you like it.
Maths requirements.
I'm in French ab class / about learning.
Q7 - If you sleep in class, Jon will:
- Check if you are OK (Y)
- Shout at you
- Ask you to leave the class
- Mark you absent
B12 deficiency, lifestyle choices Not a shouter, wanting you to grow to be good people and shouting at you isn't it
Q8 - Jon gets angry when students:
- Cheat (Y)
- Lie (Y)
- Come late to class
- Skip class
No buttons to push.
Not true - lies & cheating & being unfair to other people.
Marking absent - self-marking entry, taking notes.
Dense classes - 240 in 160, missing classes are v hard to catch up. Google drive / notes demo, necessity to catch up.
Q9 - If you go to bathroom without asking, Jon will:
- ...understand (Y)
- ...get really angry
Q10 - If you go to the bathroom 3rd time in a class, Jon will:
- ...not understand (Y)
- ...get really angry
...unless you go to bathroom 3 times in a row, in which case I will not understand. (But why should I get angry over it?)
Q11 - Your first test is in...
- 15 days (Y)
- a month
- before China Week
- Christmas
Assessment calendar Habit forming Purpose of tests as ensuring satisfaction of prerequisites
Q12 - Jon recommends practicing out-of-class for ?? hours/week
- 2
- 3.5 (Y)
- 5
- 8
How many days How many minutes for 3.5 h/wk? Is it easy? Short bit daily harder than you think
Q13 - If you study for 8 hours every week, you can get a:
- 7 (Y)
- 5 (Y)
- 4 (Y)
- 3 (Y)
It's not the quantity, but also the quality - focus, efficiency; how you practice matters.
Q14 - Everyone should get a 7.
- Y
- N (Y)
Other ppl's goal is not your goal. Each student comes with different bkg. "Top student in country" means top-3 in world, or 3 years behind others on average.
Possible if you dedicate yourself, but chemistry is not necessary what you want to dedicate yourself to.
All I ask is that you work to better than you were, take the opportunity.
Q15 - What's in your Google folder:
- Textbook + answers (Y)
- Notes, activities, and presentations (Y)
- 500 hr of past papers (Y)
- 5 years of past test (Y)
Describe me; not to impress them but for them to have confidence that I know what I am doing.