# Notes

These are the class "big template" notes. Some "solves" are mixed in here.

Portions missing usually indicate things you do in class on slates, and were then advised to transfer to your notes.

Click on image to zoom in, right-click to save. (If you cannot interact with the image, try reloading.) All these are also present in your Google Folder under notes.

# 0 - Prerequisites and Foundations

topics note
0 Structure of IB Chemistry Struct of IB Chem
0 Common chemicals Common chemicals
0 Prerequisites and conventions

# 1 - Stoichiometry

topics note
1, 2 Terminologies, notation, states (e.g., $\ce{^M_ZX^{p+}_n\gas{}}$)
1 Moles & mass calculations
1 / 10 Chemical formulas (incl. structural)
1 Chemical equations
1 Reaction stoichiometries
1 Yields

# 2/12 - Atomic structure

topics note
2 Isotopes, Mass Spec, Radioactivity
2/12 Light and Spectra
2 Bohr/QM atom, Energy Level Diagram, Spectra, e- config
2 e- config examples

# 3/13 - Periodicity

topics note
3 Terminology (block, groups, periods), periodic trends (all 5)
3 In-depth ionization energy
13 d-block metals

# 4/14 - Structure & Bonding

topics note
4 Structure Bonding overview & comparison
4 Lewis structures
4 VSEPR & molecular dipole
4 Molecular modelling
14 Bonding orbitals and Hybridization
14 Resonance and Delocalization

# 5/15 - Energetics

topics note
5 Enthalpy - notation, diagram; heat changes, experiments
5 Hess' Law
5 Bond enthalpy
15 Energy cycles
15 Entropy
15 Spontaneity

# 6/16 - Kinetics

topics note
6 Collision theory
6 Rate measurements
6 Sample rate calculation
16 Rate expressions
16 Arrhenius equation / activation energy

# 7/17 - Equilibrium

topics note
7 Equilibrium intro
7 Equilibrium constant Kc
7 Reaction quotient Q
7 La Chatelier's principle, re-arranging Kc expressions
17 Equilibrium law / calc

# 8/18 - Acids and Bases

topics note
8 / 18 / 10 Definitions, Lewis acid, e- pushing
8 Properties of acids / bases, pH scale
8 Environmental concerns
18 Acid base calculations
18 pH curve calculations
18 Buffers
18 Salt hydrolysis, indicators, pH curve variations

# 9/19 - Redox

topics note
9 Oxidation number/states
9 Redox agents, half equations, nomenclature
9 Balancing redox equations
9 Redox titrations
9 Voltaic cells
9 / 19 Electrolytic cell / electrolysis in aq solutions
19 Cell potential & current calc

# 10/20 - Organic chemistry

topics note
10 Isomers / homologous series, functional group names
10 IUPAC nomenclature reference
10 Step-by-step IUPAC nomenclature 1
10 Alkene
10 Alcohol
10 Alkane, halogenoalkane
20 Arenes
20 Reaction summary 1
10 / 20 Reaction summary 2
20 Mechanism summary
20 Stereochemistry

# 11A - Measurements

topics note
11A Significant figures and uncertainty
11A Uncertainty/reproducibility, precision and accuracy, systematic error

# 11B / 21 - Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds

topics note
11B Index of hydrogen deficiency
11B IR spectra interpretation example
11B / 21 1H NMR interpretation

# D - Medicinal Chemistry

topics note
D1 Med chem overview
D2 Aspirin
D2 / 21 Penicillin & X-ray crystallography
D3 Opiates
D4 pH regulation of stomach
D5 Antivirals
D6 Environmental considerations of Med Chem ![](/image/notes/D6-Env_Med Chem.png)
D7 (HL) Taxol
D8 (HL) Nuclear medicine
D9 (HL) Drug purification
D9 (HL) Drug analysis
Last Updated: 2 years ago